Thursday, June 01, 2006

Chuck's Visit

chuck spent last friday and saturday w/us, and as you can tell from these pics, ella greatly enjoyed him! he was her new buddie-she loved having someone sit on the other side of her at meal times and gave chuck many smiles and laughs; she even made her cute noises for him. chuck and will enjoyed going fishing at lake hartwell early sat. morning while ella and i slept in. they got their naps in later on that day. after will took chuck back (b/c his car-yay! he finally got a car-had a flat tire), will and i watched narnia-wonderful movie-if any of you haven't seen it yet, you need to.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glad Chuck got to spend some time with y'all. :) He's staying over here Mon. and Tues. and going back to Sumter on Wednesday.
I'm glad you liked Narnia! We enjoyed it too! -Em